
12 Content Ideas for Coaches Who want to Increase Signups to their Free Webinars 


Running a coaching business involves taking care of several aspects. If you don't have an active lead pipeline, your coaching business can even fail. 

In 2022, social media is a great way to attract leads for your coaching business. 

But what should you post everyday on social, you'd think. In fact, what should you post to increase sign ups to your free webinar? 

Don't worry, here are 12 content ideas to help you stay more consistent on social and get more sign ups as a coach or a consultant. 


1. Write about the first step of your consulting process.

2. Talk about why you do what you do, and how you got started.

3. What is the process of building a business?

4. Share a list of your best clients and how you served them.

5. Share a testimonial from a former client.

6. Share a case study about a client who succeeded with your services.

7. Share the key insights from a recent survey.

8. Share a list of the best books you’ve read lately.

9. Write a short, informative blog post to answer common questions that clients ask you.

10. Write an article about a particular industry problem that you’re facing as a consultant.

11. Publish an interview with a successful entrepreneur who has been doing the same thing you’re doing.

12. Talk about a tool you can recommend to your clients, or a company you like.



Hope you use these ideas and get maximum signups and success. All the best! 


Get an endless stream of such ideas using the Content Ideas Bot Framework if you've got ClosersCopy. Know more about ClosersCopy and buy now at a special price. 



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