
Fresh Social Media Content Ideas for Fitness Brands in 2023



Write a guide to building a healthy body.
Talk about a fitness cheat sheet that you’ve written.
Share your workout routines and exercises.
How do you train for a race? How do you make sure you don’t overdo it?
Share your workout routines and exercises.
What’s the worst workout injury you’ve ever had? Share it.
What’s your worst workout experience? Tell us.
What are your exercise rituals? How do you motivate yourself to do them?
What are your favorite workout songs?
What are your favorite workout podcasts?
What’s your favorite workout playlist?
What’s the best piece of equipment you’ve bought? Why?
How do you feel about the way a gym is run?
What are your favorite workout accessories?
What’s the best gym membership you’ve ever had? Why?
How do you deal with stress when training for a race?
What’s your most memorable race? How was it?
Share a list of your favorite exercise classes.
Tell us about a unique class that you took that changed your life.
Write about a workout you love.
Talk about the workout equipment you like the most.
Compare two popular exercises and tell which one you prefer.
Share a personal story about your workout journey.
Share the results of a recent workout. Share a personal transformation story
Create a workout of the week series
Share healthy meal prep ideas and recipes
Showcase the benefits of different types of workouts (e.g. yoga, strength training, HIIT)
Share workout progress and progress updates
Offer tips for staying motivated during a workout
Share tips for staying injury-free while working out
Highlight the importance of recovery and self-care
Share a behind-the-scenes look at your gym or studio
Offer workout gear recommendations and product reviews
Share workout challenges and community events
Offer virtual workout sessions and classes
Share inspirational quotes and graphics
Partner with influencers or athletes to showcase your brand
Share tips for staying active and healthy during busy or travel times
Share the benefits and drawbacks of different types of gym memberships
Highlight the importance of stretching and flexibility in a workout routine
Share tips for creating a home workout space
Offer workout plans and e-books for free
Share healthy lifestyle tips and advice
Highlight the importance of sleep and rest in a fitness journey.

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